Project Maintenance
To run the tests locally, use sbt test
Sometimes it's necessary to run sbt
with more memory available, use sbt -J-Xmx3G test
To debug an arbitrary expression, run on an ammonite shell with amm --thin
import $ivy.`org.scalameta::scalameta:4.7.8`, scala.meta._
"""List("a", "b", "c").reduceOption(_ + _)""".parse[Term].get.structure // prints the AST structure
show("""List("a", "b", "c").reduceOption(_ + _)""".parse[Term].get, 60) // prints the AST in a more readable format
This will print the AST of the expression, which you can then use to figure out what's the expected match pattern.
To use a snapshot version of scalameta
interp.repositories() ++= Seq(
import $ivy.`org.scalameta::scalameta:4.7.8+11-00bc83ad-SNAPSHOT`, scala.meta._