Mutators are the transformations to the code that we want to apply. Because of several factors like time to run or importance we may want to enable/disable some available mutators.
Available Mutators
- Literal Booleans
- Arithmetic Operators
- Conditional Expressions
- Literal Strings
- Scala Options
- Scala Try
- Scala Collections
- Partial Functions
- Scala Strings
- Control Flow
Literal Booleans
name: LiteralBooleans
description: changes true into false and false into true.
- val bool = true
+ val bool = false
Arithmetic Operators
group name: ArithmeticOperators
Int - Plus into Minus
name: IntPlusToMinus
description: Changes the arithmetic operator +
into -
when operating on Int
with Int
- val value = list.size + 5
+ val value = list.size - 5
(Note that it only applies to Int
with Int
Int - Minus into Plus
name: IntMinusToPlus
description: Changes the arithmetic operator -
into +
when operating on Int
with Int
Int - Multiply into Divide
name: IntMulToDiv
description: Changes the arithmetic operator *
into /
when operating on Int
with Int
Int - Divide into Multiply
name: IntDivToMul
description: Changes the arithmetic operator /
into *
when operating on Int
with Int
Char - Plus into Minus
name: CharPlusToMinus
description: Changes the arithmetic operator +
into -
when operating on Char
with Int
- val value = 'J' + 5
+ val value = 'J' - 5
(Note that it only applies to Char
with Int
Char - Minus into Plus
name: CharMinusToPlus
description: Changes the arithmetic operator -
into +
when operating on Char
with Int
Char - Multiply into Divide
name: CharMulToDiv
description: Changes the arithmetic operator *
into /
when operating on Char
with Int
Char - Divide into Multiply
name: CharDivToMul
description: Changes the arithmetic operator /
into *
when operating on Char
with Int
Conditional Expressions
group name: ConditionalExpressions
Boolean - And into Or
name: AndToOr
description: Changes the conditional operator &&
to ||
on Boolean
Boolean - Or into And
name: OrToAnd
description: Changes the conditional operator ||
to &&
on Boolean
Boolean - Remove negation
name: RemoveUnaryNot
description: Removes the !
operator on Boolean
- if (!value) 10 else 20
+ if (value) 10 else 20
Literal Strings
group name: LiteralStrings
String - Change empty string
name: EmptyToMutated
description: Changes empty strings ""
into "mutated!"
- val str = ""
+ val str = "mutated!"
String - Change empty interpolated string
name: EmptyInterToMutated
description: Changes empty interpolated strings s""
into "mutated!"
. It works on s
, f
and raw
- val str = s""
+ val str = "mutated!"
String - Change non-empty string
name: NonEmptyToMutated
description: Changes non-empty strings into two mutations. One with empty ""
and another with "mutated!"
example mutation 1:
- val str = "foobar"
+ val str = ""
example mutation 2:
- val str = "foobar"
+ val str = "mutated!"
String - Change non-empty interpolated string
name: NonEmptyInterToMutated
description: Changes non-empty interpolated strings into two mutations. One with empty ""
and another with "mutated!"
. It works on s
, f
and raw
example mutation 1:
- val str = s"forbar: $foobar"
+ val str = ""
example mutation 2:
- val str = s"forbar: $foobar"
+ val str = "mutated!"
Scala Options
group name: ScalaOptions
name: GetOrElse
description: Changes the scala.Option getOrElse
function into two mutations.
One with the getOrElse
function replaced by get
and another with just the default value.
example mutation 1: (is the 'get' part tested?)
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = option.getOrElse(10)
+ val value = option.get
example mutation 2: (is the 'orElse' part tested?)
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = option.getOrElse(10)
+ val value = 10
name: Exists
description: Changes the scala.Option exists
into forall
name: Forall
description: Changes the scala.Option forall
into exists
name: IsEmpty
description: Changes the scala.Option isEmpty
into nonEmpty
name: NonEmpty
description: Changes the scala.Option nonEmpty
and isDefined
into isEmpty
name: Fold
description: Changes the scala.Option fold
function call into the default value.
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = option.fold(10)(v => v * 2)
+ val value = 10
name: OrElse
description: Changes the scala.Option orElse
function into two mutations.
One with just the call expression (left side) and another with the orElse argument (right side).
example mutation 1:
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = => x * 3).orElse(Some(0))
+ val value = => x * 3)
example mutation 2:
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = => x * 3).orElse(Some(0))
+ val value = Some(0)
name: OrNull
description: Changes the scala.Option orNull
function into the value null.
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = option.orNull
+ val value = null
name: Filter
description: Changes the scala.Option filter
function into two mutations. One that calls filterNot
and another that doesn't call anything (does not filter)
example mutation 1:
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = option.filter(v => v > 2)
+ val value = option.filterNot(v => v > 2)
example mutation 2:
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = option.filter(v => v > 2)
+ val value = option
name: FilterNot
description: Changes the scala.Option filterNot
function into two mutations. One that calls filter
and another that doesn't call anything (does not filter)
example mutation 1:
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = option.filterNot(v => v > 2)
+ val value = option.filter(v => v > 2)
example mutation 2:
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = option.filterNot(v => v > 2)
+ val value = option
name: Contains
description: Changes the scala.Option contains
function into two mutations. One with true
and another with false
example mutation 1:
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = option.contains(10)
+ val value = true
example mutation 2:
// option: Option[Int]
- val value = option.contains(10)
+ val value = false
Scala Try
classpath: scala.util.Try
group name: ScalaTry
name: GetOrElse
description: Changes the scala.util.Try getOrElse
function into two mutations.
One with the getOrElse
function replaced by get
and another with just the default value.
example mutation 1: (is the 'get' part tested?)
// tryValue: Try[Int]
- val value = tryValue.getOrElse(10)
+ val value = tryValue.get
example mutation 2: (is the 'orElse' part tested?)
// tryValue: Try[Int]
- val value = tryValue.getOrElse(10)
+ val value = 10
name: OrElse
description: Changes the scala.util.Try orElse
function into two mutations.
One with just the call expression (left side) and another with the orElse argument (right side).
example mutation 1:
// tryValue: Try[Int]
- val value = tryValue.orElse(Try(0))
+ val value = tryValue
example mutation 2:
// tryValue: Try[Int]
- val value = tryValue.orElse(Try(0))
+ val value = Try(0)
Scala Collections
group name: Collections
name: ListApply
description: Changes the scala.collection.immutable.List apply
Creating mutations where one of the arguments is missing.
example mutation 1:
- val list = List("a", "b", "c")
+ val list = List("b", "c")
example mutation 2:
- val list = List("a", "b", "c")
+ val list = List("a", "c")
example mutation 3:
- val list = List("a", "b", "c")
+ val list = List("a", "b")
name: SeqApply
description: Changes the Seq apply
(it works for scala.Seq
, scala.collection.mutable.Seq
and scala.collection.immutable.Seq
Creating mutations where one of the arguments is missing.
example mutation 1:
- val seq = Seq("a", "b", "c")
+ val seq = Seq("b", "c")
example mutation 2:
- val seq = Seq("a", "b", "c")
+ val seq = Seq("a", "c")
example mutation 3:
- val seq = Seq("a", "b", "c")
+ val seq = Seq("a", "b")
name: SetApply
description: Changes the Set apply
(it works for scala/Predef.Set
, scala.collection.mutable.Set
and scala.collection.immutable.Set
Creating mutations where one of the arguments is missing.
example mutation 1:
- val set = Set("a", "b", "c")
+ val set = Set("b", "c")
example mutation 2:
- val set = Set("a", "b", "c")
+ val set = Set("a", "c")
example mutation 3:
- val set = Set("a", "b", "c")
+ val set = Set("a", "b")
name: Reverse
description: Removes the call to reverse
on List
example mutation 1:
- val list = List("a", "b").reverse
+ val list = List("a", "b")
example mutation 2:
- val seq = Seq("a", "b").reverse
+ val seq = Seq("a", "b")
name: Drop
description: Removes the call to drop
on List
example mutation 1:
- val list = List("a", "b", "c").drop(2)
+ val list = List("a", "b", "c")
example mutation 2:
- val seq = Seq("a", "b", "c").drop(2)
+ val seq = Seq("a", "b", "c")
name: Take
description: Removes the call to take
on List
example mutation 1:
- val list = List("a", "b", "c").take(2)
+ val list = List("a", "b", "c")
example mutation 2:
- val seq = Seq("a", "b", "c").take(2)
+ val seq = Seq("a", "b", "c")
name: ReduceOption
description: Replaces the call to reduceOption
on List
with None
example mutation 1:
- val list = List(1, 2, 3).reduceOption((a, b) => a + b)
+ val list = None
example mutation 2:
- val seq = Seq[Int]().reduceOption((a, b) => a + b)
+ val seq = None
name: Prepend
description: Removes the call to prepend
on List
and also ::
on List
example mutation 1:
- val list = "a" :: List("b", "c")
+ val list = List("b", "c")
example mutation 2:
- val list = List("b", "c").prepended("a")
+ val list = List("b", "c")
example mutation 3:
- val seq = Seq("b", "c").prepended("a")
+ val seq = Seq("b", "c")
Partial Functions
group name: PartialFunctions
name: RemoveOneCase
description: Changes partial function applications, creating mutations where one of the cases is unreachable.
example mutation 1:
// strList: List[String]
strList.collect {
- case "foo" => "foobar"
+ case "foo" if false => "foobar"
case "bar" => "barfoo"
example mutation 2:
// strList: List[String]
strList.collect {
case "foo" => "foobar"
- case "bar" => "barfoo"
+ case "bar" if false => "barfoo"
name: RemoveOneAlternative
description: Changes partial function applications, creating mutations where one of the pattern alternatives is missing.
example mutation 1:
// strList: List[String]
strList.collect {
- case "foo" | "bar => "foobar"
+ case "foo" => "foobar"
example mutation 2:
// strList: List[String]
strList.collect {
- case "foo" | "bar => "foobar"
+ case "bar" => "foobar"
Scala Strings
group name: ScalaStrings
String - Concat
name: Concat
description: Changes the string concat operator +
and concat
and both left and right expressions into two mutations. One with empty ""
and another with "mutated!"
example mutation 1:
- val str = "foo" + "bar"
+ val str = ""
example mutation 2:
- val str = "foo" + "bar"
+ val str = "mutated!"
example mutation 3:
- val str = "foo".concat("bar")
+ val str = ""
example mutation 4:
- val str = "foo".concat("bar")
+ val str = "mutated!"
name: Trim
description: Removes the call to trim
on strings.
- val value = " foo ".trim
+ val value = " foo "
name: ToUpperCase
description: Removes the call to toUpperCase
on strings.
- val value = " foo ".toUpperCase
+ val value = " foo "
name: ToLowerCase
description: Removes the call to toLowerCase
on strings.
- val value = " foo ".toLowerCase
+ val value = " foo "
name: Capitalize
description: Removes the call to capitalize
on strings.
- val value = "foo".capitalize
+ val value = "foo"
name: StripPrefix
description: Removes the call to stripPrefix
on strings.
- val value = "Foo".stripPrefix("F")
+ val value = "Foo"
name: StripSuffix
description: Removes the call to stripSuffix
on strings.
- val value = "Foo".stripSuffix("oo")
+ val value = "Foo"
name: Drop
description: Removes the call to drop
on strings.
- val value = "Foo123".drop(3)
+ val value = "Foo123"
name: Take
description: Removes the call to take
on strings.
- val value = "Foo123".take(4)
+ val value = "Foo123"
name: DropWhile
description: Removes the call to dropWhile
on strings.
- val value = "Foo123".dropWhile(char => char.isLetter)
+ val value = "Foo123"
name: TakeWhile
description: Removes the call to takeWhile
on strings.
- val value = "Foo123".takeWhile(char => char.isLetter)
+ val value = "Foo123"
name: Map
description: Removes the call to map(Char => Char)
on strings.
- val value = "Foo123".map(char => char.toUpper)
+ val value = "Foo123"
name: FlatMap
description: Removes the call to flatMap(Char => String)
on strings.
- val value = "Foo123".flatMap(char => s"$char$char")
+ val value = "Foo123"
name: Reverse
description: Removes the call to reverse
on Strings.
example mutation:
- val str = "tacocat".reverse
+ val str = "tacocat"
Control Flow
group name: ControlFlow
If control flow
name: If
description: Changes the standard if control flow into two mutants.
One that always go to the then part and another that always go to the else part.
If the else part doesn't exist then it's replaced with the mutant ()
example mutation 1:
- if (condition) somethingThen() else somethingElse()
+ somethingThen()
example mutation 2:
- if (condition) somethingThen() else somethingElse()
+ somethingElse()
example mutation 3:
- if (condition) somethingThen()
+ somethingThen()
example mutation 4:
- if (condition) somethingThen()
+ ()
group name: ZIO
name: When
description: Changes the when
call into three mutants.
example mutation 1:
- ZIO.succeed("abc").when(true)
+ ZIO.succeed("abc").unless(true)
example mutation 2:
- ZIO.succeed("abc").when(true)
+ ZIO.succeed("abc").asSome
example mutation 3:
- ZIO.succeed("abc").when(true)
+ ZIO.succeed("abc").as(None)
name: Unless
description: Changes the unless
call into three mutants.
example mutation 1:
- ZIO.succeed("abc").unless(true)
+ ZIO.succeed("abc").when(true)
example mutation 2:
- ZIO.succeed("abc").unless(true)
+ ZIO.succeed("abc").asSome
example mutation 3:
- ZIO.succeed("abc").unless(true)
+ ZIO.succeed("abc").as(None)
name: ForYield
description: Removes one line of for yield
ZIOs that use _ <- zioTerm
It also adds a mutant that removes all lines if the yield
expression is a literal.
example mutation 1:
for {
- _ <- ZIO.succeed("abc")
_ <- ZIO.succeed("def")
} yield ()
example mutation 2:
for {
_ <- ZIO.succeed("abc")
- _ <- ZIO.succeed("def")
} yield ()
example mutation 3:
- for {
- _ <- ZIO.succeed("abc")
- _ <- ZIO.succeed("def")
- } yield "result"
+ zio.ZIO.succeed("result")